This Chair, directed by Jean-Philippe Pierron (Professor of philosophy at the University of Burgundy) and Didier Vinot (Professor of management science at the University of Lyon), is constructed in collaboration with:
- Ethos-Interdisciplinary Ethics Platform of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (project “philosophy of care”),
- the interdisciplinary programme of Sorbonne Paris Cité University “The Person in Medicine”,
- the philosophy Chair at the APHP hospital, the Regional Spaces of Ethical Reflection in Rhône-Alpes and PACA Corsica,
- the Hospital Federation of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FHF ARA),
- Roch Doliveux,
- UCB,
- Sanofi,
- Calydial Medical Centre,
- the Labex “Intelligence of Urban Worlds”,
- the discovering art, creativity and culture in hospital workshop (On a bed of colours) at the Gustave Roussy Centre.